Home / LIFESTYLE / Meet Pamela, the 22-year-old Ghanaian model with the largest & heaviest ‘melons’

Meet Pamela, the 22-year-old Ghanaian model with the largest & heaviest ‘melons’


By Nana Asare Barimah

Many ladies in the world have become celebrities because of their body features. They really don’t hide what God has given to them as they flaunt them in public especially on social media. One of these Ghanaian celebrities who has been flaunting her given features is Kenyan-born Ghanaian model, Pamela Watara.



The 22-year-old is regarded as the Ghanaian celebrity with the biggest ‘melons.’ She is currently the most sought after model due to the size of her ‘melons.’ Pamela in an exclusive interview with YEN.com.gh disclosed she is now famous because of her ‘melons.’

“Many people are featuring me in music videos because of my features,” she said. She rubbished claims that her ‘melons’ are fake, “It is natural and I’m proud of it.” She continued that despite having the largest ‘melons’, she is also beautiful.

Pamela never felt shy in confirming the size of her ‘melons’, she revealed that the exact size of her ‘melons’ is 44D.

She is currently studying Marketing at Wisconsin University in Accra and her dream is to become an entrepreneur.

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